With our sweet babies, we love to see all their 'first'
(first roll over, first words and so on).
With an adoption there are so many first also, even with an older child.
I am longing to experience all my first with Joy.
The first time I see her face in person instead of pictures.
The first time I touch her.
The first hug.
The first meal together, first ice cream, first bath,
The first time I pray with her, put her to bed and kiss her goodnight.
The first time I wake up in the morning and she is there.
First time stepping off the airplane and seeing her family,
First night home, first time she sits down at our dining room table with our family,
The first time we take her to Church with us,
...and so many more first that happen when a child steps into our family.
I look forward to each of them.
Here is the 'first' video of Joy answering questions. This was taken last summer.
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