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Around Town - Adoption Day
Around Town 
Here are some photos of the area one just 1 side of our hotel. It's a very busy place here, which you can see by the street shot.
You cannot (for any reason) actually cross this street, or you would surely not make it out alive! 
There is a system of underground tunnels. The tunnels take you to various destinations within the city and I inevitably choose the wrong tunnel which sends us walking in circles underground with thousands of people, many whom are smoking. Good times!
The photo of the tunnels below, is of course, one of us taking the wrong tunnel.
Got to love adventure. McDonald's and Starbucks are just outside our hotel, again of course, both require the use of different tunnels.

The photo of the buidling with all the red lanterns is where our dumpling dinner was at.

I think the old style buidling with the large jumbo-tron and a Starbucks is quite amusing.
Sunday we rest. Whew, thankfully!
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