Saturday in Peaceful Guangzhou

I am so happy to be back on the island.
So many special memories here with Dale, Kya, Autumn and my mom and stepdad, and a few friends that became lifelong friends. As we walked out our hotel this morning and passed some familiar shops, I literally almost cried. I could see Kya as a baby again.

I could see the blue stroller, I could see us buying 20 pairs of squeaky shoes (that now 7yrs later Lily is wearing).
I could see our 2nd visit, introducing a toddler-Kya and her new sis Autumn to Jordan (who is longer here). All the memories came flooding back. This place holds very special moments for so many families, ours inclusive. There will be no red couch photos this time at the White Swan. There will be no Jordan and no group dinner at Lucy's to say farewell. But I hope that Joy will enjoy the memories we make here together. I know she can't possibly feel what I feel, she doesn't have my momma's heart and the memories I carry with me, she can't miss the baby stage of Kya and Autumn.

But I hope to impart some of my love for this place upon her. I hope to come back one day, with all my China girls and my Guatemalan Prince & Princess to visit this place on a Heritage Tour.
I have never stayed at this hotel before and I like it quite a bit. I probably would have stayed at the WS if it had been open but I'm glad in a way it isn't. I'm glad for the new experience. I am in the West Building, which is right next to Jennifer's Place and Cow&Bridge Thai (our family fave!!!).

This bldg is peaceful and serene. It's just a short walk to anywhere on the island. We are in an "executive room" so it's nice and large with a balcony. I would highly recommend this room. Our balcony overlooks Starbucks (not bad!). The breakfast buffet was not as extensive as WS but it was still very nice (with an automatic espresso maker). WS is so beautiful with the waterfall and ponds yet was so busy, this place is so less ornate but peaceful. I have birds chirping on my balcony right now. (smiles!)
So you know the medical exam is now off the island. I went by the old one and took photos for Kya and Autumn. Again, almost cried standing there remembering my "babies". I didn't even want another baby at that moment. I just wanted "my babies" to flash back and be "babies" for just a moment. I just wanted to relive part of thier "baby days" for just a little bit. Anyway (I'm beyond emotional today!).....
The new med exam bldg is really nice though. We were the ONLY adoptive family. That was super strange. Normally you fight for a seat. Not today with the trade fair going on. They did say 10 other families (max) had been there this morning though. Joy, unlike a baby, knew what was going on and was not happy about it. She argued with every dr and then ran from the room where she needed to have her TB test. I had to carry her back to the room kicking. The guide held her down while I held her face so she wouldn't wrench her head back and forth. Poor thing cried big alligator tears and in 2 min it was over, she was fine. We go back Monday for the reading. Tuesday for the Consulate Appt. The visa will be ready at 3pm on Wed and we leave in the a.m. on Thur.

We walked the island for a bit today. It's so hot here, which reminds me of FL and I'm fine with (except my hair, oh my hair!), but Joy has never felt such humidity. Thankfully there area has a few 7-11's and she was able to get an Icee. Of course we went to Lucy's!!! My girl ONLY wants french fries, coke and ice cream. So much so that it was actually a Mom-Success-Moment to get her to eat the fried apples from the apple pie. Then I withheld the french fries until she had 1 quarter of the Club Sandwich.
And I made her drink apple juice. She kept spitting it at me, scrunching up her face. Oh, joy! She's quite the handful. Parenting this strong-willed child may not be the easiest thing I've ever done, but I'm up for the challenge and thankfully I have a fantastic husband/helper!
Well, it's 5pm here and we are off to have Pineapple Fried Rice at the Cow & Bridge. I know my hubby is envious right now. Sorry babe! Love you!
Praying you won't be long now!!!!
ReplyDeleteRememberthe feelings all too eell of Guangzhou once there withbyou snd twice there for our adoptions of Hope and Joel. Sweet me