Our adoption expenses have increased yet again, another $200. Is $200 a big deal in the scheme of approximately $27,000? Probably not. But I'm feeling as if the invasive nature of this entire process has gotten to me today. I'm ready to have my daughter home, our privacy back, bureaucracy out of our lives and ready to just be a family of seven (7). I am tired today. I am a little cranky. And I'm ready for the end to arrive. Bare with me, it's just a temporary downside of the roller-coaster ride we've been on. I just needed to have a moment to stomp my feet, say 'it's not fair' and then be okay again tomorrow.
Ruth 1:9 says ...Then she kissed them goodbye and 'they wept aloud'
I guess sometimes we just need someone to weep with us. We don't always need to be picked up and put back together or corrected or even encouraged. Sometimes we just need a friend to weep with us and that is what makes all the difference.
Today I just want to weep. And I pray the Lord sends me someone who can "bare one anothers burdens".
I have thought about not posting this. Knowing that within the hour, or at least by tomorrow, I won't feel this way at all. But I have decided to post it because some day someone will read this. And that someone will need to know it's okay to have a sad moment, a bad moment and know that I have already weeped with you and prayed for you.

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