Another Approval! After a day of Reflection.
My soul seems restless. ~ I
would say my
mind is restless which would be true but really it just feels like my
entire being is restless. ~ Spring has sprung early, so we are itching to be free of schoolwork/housework and just relax in the breezes of the day. However, that never
really happens but the idea of that just makes it hard to concentrate. We are so ready to be done with the WAITING PHASE of the adoption. I am eager every day to hear good news about progress. I check emails and recheck emails through out the day, hoping for news, any news that we have moved a little further along in the process.
Yesterday my Bible Study really spoke to my heart about my wait. Here are a few verses that reminded me WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE!
Isaiah 29:16 NIV ~ You turn things
upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, "You did not make me"?
Can the pot say to the potter, "You know nothing"? (
Confession: Lord, you really do know the perfect time for all things here on Earth. You really are still on the throne. You really still are moving mountains that I don't even see, acting on my behalf when I don't even know it. Thank you Lord for all your behind the scenes work.)
Isaiah 30:15, 18 NIV ~ This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In
repentance and
rest is your salvation, in
quietness and
trust is your
strength, but you would have none of it. Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore
he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him! (Confession: I have not been resting nor quiet and that is why my strength is waning. I just have not spent much time talking to him lately. I read, study and move on. I have not been quiet with him in a few weeks.)Exodus 23:20 NIV ~ "See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to
the place I have prepared."
(This verse was sent to me by our first adoption agency in our first adoption. What a nice reminder it was to see yesterday. In all our waiting, in all our preparations coupled with more waiting, the Lord is heavy at work and sending angels ahead of us and he is preparing the way. Thank you, Lord! Thank you! Without you NONE of this would be possible.)And after a beautiful day of reflection, on March 15th, God was indeed at work behind the scenes. Little did I know our approval from the National Visa Center was processed that day. We received the good news today, the 16th. The cable/email went to the U.S. Embassy in Guangzhou China today. The liaison for our adoption agency will be filing Joy's Visa Application with at the Embassy next week. Our part is done. We are now finished with all paperwork and waiting on Visa Approval. It's a 2 week process and then we wait just one more short wait for Travel Approval.
The clock is ticking and it's not a New York Minute. It's not a Mexican Minute. It's a
God Moment. He is and has prepared the way for our waiting sweetie to come home. And in His perfectness, I will rest.

~~And as a side note, I really did feel at peace today but not until after a sort of frustrating moment. A little "blurp" happened where our approval had the wrong spelling of Joy's Chinese name and our agency was closing early and not going to get our file to China today. It's been delayed until next week. But then I got an email from my mother. The email was just to tell me that the she was able to secure the cabin we always go to for Thanksgiving. I sighed a sigh of relief because I realized in that moment that I won't be going to the cabin without Joy. She may arrive a week early or four weeks late, but she won't be in China forever and soon, very soon, she will be here and our family will be complete.~~